Design and layout for a fruit coloring book I created. This collection of illustrations perfectly displays nature’s bounty. A fun coloring book for children that allows them to color and learn the names of fruits in the English language. The perfect arts and crafts activity for children that improves analytical thinking, by using scissors, coloring, memorizing fruit names and learning to spell. This book teaches you how to spell and color the following fruits. Damson, Dates, Dragon Fruit, Durian, Elderberry, Feijoa, Fig, Galia Melon, Goji Berry, Gooseberry, Grapes, Grapefruit, Guava, Honeyberry, Honeydew, Huckleyberry, Jabuticaba, Jackfruit, Jambul, Jostaberry, Jujube, and Juniper Berry.
Currently available for sale at

Front and back cover above and sample pages from the book below. All artwork and design created by DKS Art.

Video preview showing the contents of the book.