Chipped Paint On Wood


Photograph of chipped paint.

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Photograph of chipped paint and wood.

What you will get when you purchase this photograph is a 4288 x 2848 pixel at 300 dpi resolution jpg image.

All photos on have been taken by DKS Art.  You can use this photo for whatever you like except you cannot resell it on it’s own, after you purchase it, you can sell it or give it away as part of a publication.  By purchasing this photo you agree to a non-exclusive license which means other people can also purchase this same photo and use it as they like.  No copyright or intellectual property is transferred at any point to the buyer/licensee, DKS Art is simply allowing the buyer/licensee to use this photo as they like in their publications (digital and/or physical).  If you use it in any kind of publication, in books, magazines, brochures, websites, etc…  You have to give me credit in writing somewhere in the publication (does not have to be next to the photo).  Simply write somewhere “photo xys was taken by and is from”

If you have questions or photo requests contact me.